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Benevolent Fund




The benevolent fund exists to provide financial support for current and retired bowlers or their immediate dependants, provided the bowler was a member of a KCBA affiliated club.


Grants can be made towards the cost of any piece of electrical domestic equipment , household goods e.g. carpets. furniture etc. or mobility equipment.


For those having difficulty continuing with their favourite sport, the fund can also assist with the cost of bowling aids.


These grants can be made to any bowler regardless of age provided they are unable to fund the item from their own funds.


To apply for a grant please contact your club secretary who will provide you with an application form, which will be forwarded to the fund secretary for adjudication.

Registered Charity No. 208964

 Constitution and Regulations

Revised December 2017


  1. The Charitable Fund known as Kent County Bowling Association Benevolent Fund is for the purpose of granting assistance to male bowlers who are or have been members of Clubs affiliated to the Kent County Bowling Association, or their dependents, who from age, illness or any other cause, are in need of financial assistance. This can be ongoing or towards a specific purpose.

  2. The Fund is financed solely by donations.

  3. The Fund shall be governed by three Trustees and a Committee of the Council consisting incumbent President and Vice President of the Association, Four members of the Council (one from each Division), together with an Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer who shall not have voting rights. These last two positions may be held by the same person.

  4. The Trustees, one of whom shall be the Chairman, shall be elected for a period of three years and shall be eligible for re-election. One of the Trustees shall offer himself for re-election each year in turn at the first meeting of the Council after the AGM, and in the event of no other nomination being received, he shall be re-elected.

  5. The member of the Council from each Division shall be elected annually by their Divisional Committee. The Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer shall be nominated annually at the last meeting of the Council before the AGM.

  6. The Committee shall meet regularly throughout the year as may be required, and shall have sole discretion on agreeing the purpose and amount of each grant awarded.

  7. All recommendations for assistance must come through the Committee of the Clubs to the Honorary Secretary of the Benevolent Fund and shall be signed by the Chairman and one other member of such Committee.

  8. Cases shall be numbered and generally referred to by that number.

  9. The Honorary Secretary shall submit a report, including a list of beneficiaries indicated by a number and showing the amount paid from the funds in each case, to the last meeting of the Council before the AGM. The Honorary Treasurer shall similarly submit an audited Financial Statement for the year.

  10. An audited copy of the Accounts, made up to the 30th September , together with a list of subscribers, shall be published annually.

  11. In the event of the dissolution of this Benevolent Fund, the monies then held shall be donated to charities, one in each division, as similar as possible in purpose to those of this Fund.


All donations and applications for assistance should be forwarded to the Honorary Secretary:

IAN KING 17 Park Road, Gravesend, DA11 7PR

email: Telephone 01474 359511

Donations received up to and including 15th September each year are acknowledged in the accounts published annually.

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